HideMyAss VPN

Friday, May 31, 2013

How to connect VPN in Maemo OS

Maemo OS

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There is a OpenVPN client conversion for Maemo OS, which can be used with our config files from http://www.hidemyass.com/vpn-config

If you like to try it, please let us know your results.

  With latest update from Maemo and latest software and Open VPN configs you’ll be able to connect to Open VPN via Wifi.

1.  Go to http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/openvpn/ and install Open VPN v2.1~rc20-3maemo3
This will install only Open VPN software, if you are familiar with Linux you can use it from x-terminal line without GUI.
2. Install Open VPN GUI: to install OpenVPN Applet v0.5.3-1 go to http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/openvpn-applet/ and press install.
  3. Download Open VPN config files from http://hidemyass.com/vpn-config/vpn-config.zip and extract the content onto your Maemo device.
4. Open Open VPN GUI and press:  Manage connections -> New -> Configuration File
  5. In Maemo, go to the vpn config folder and select a *.ovpn configuration file.This will complete all needed fields.  
6. Press Import button. This will create new Open VPN connection.

7.  You can now connect to the VPN.

How to setup VPN in Amazon Kindle Fire

Amazon Kindle Fire
Recently we were informed that it's now possible to connect to the VPN on Kindle Fire using the app FeatVPN.
You can use our Android-FeatVPN tutorial for this:

An alternative to this might be using the app OpenVPN Connect, but we've had no feedback regarding this app in connection with the Kindle Fire yet. If you have done this successfully, please let us knwo via email @ wiki@hmastuff.com

Alternative connection methods:
a) Get a router like e.g. the ASUS-RTN16 or any other router that supports DD-WRT firmware,
configure it for HMA Pro VPN and then let the Kindle Fire use the routers WLAN connection.
Then it's automatically protected by the VPN.

b) Create a local hotspot using the VPN connection and 3rd party tools.
You can use the instructions from the article Blackberry.

How to connect VPN in Apple TV


AppleTV is not a television - it's a digital media receiver developed and sold by Apple Inc.
It is a small form factor network appliance designed to play digital content originating from the
iTunes Store, Netflix, YouTube, Flickr, MobileMe, MLB.tv, NBA League Pass, NHL GameCenter
or any Mac OS X or Windows computer running iTunes onto an enhanced-definition or high-definition widescreen television.
For more info about AppleTV, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AppleTV


AppleTV has no built-in VPN client, so you need a VPN router to let it use a VPN connection.
But that's quite simple; once you have a VPN router (so e.g. a router with DD-WRT firmware support), a possible setup would be:

  • DSL-Modem/Gateway router -> VPN router -> Apple TV

The DSL-Modem/Gateway router connects you to the internet as usual.
For VPN router configuration, see the article Router configuration.
Once the VPN router is successfully configured for VPN, test it by e.g. plugging your computer into it. Verify your IP/location e.g. at http://tracemyip.org to make sure the VPN is connected.
Now, connect the AppleTV to the VPN router. What's left to do is just configuring the AppleTV itself.
When using a wired network (LAN), the AppleTV usually does the configuration by itself, but you should check the settings anyway.
  • IP Address: should be in the same IP subnet (e.g. 192.168.0.x) as the VPN router
  • Router Address: IP of the VPN router
  • DNS Address: or any other DNS
To prevent issues, you should deactivate the integrated firewall on both routers, enable options like PPTP+L2TP+IPsec passthrough and creating port forwarding rules (at least for VPN related ports) is also a good idea.
For more troubleshooting info, see: http://wiki.hidemyass.com/DD-WRT_troubleshooting

How to setup VPN on Sony Playstation

To get your Playstation connected to the VPN, you need a VPN router.

You may configure your router for HMA Pro VPN using our instructions from the article Router configuration.
Once finished, just connect the Playstation to your router via WiFi or LAN.
Once the Playstation establishes a connection to the configured router it will go under the VPN tunnel.  

The alternative to using a router would be to use Internet Connection Sharing.
Configuring your PS3 for VPN allows you e.g. to watch Netflix or other services on your TV.

Another possible way, which we have not been able to test yet, would be to create a local wifi hotspot using the VPN connection on your computer,
and let the Playstation use that wifi hotspot. You can use the instructions from the article Blackberry for that purpose.

How to get Roku-Box used with VPN


A Roku-Box is a device that can stream Netflix, Hulu and many other services directly to your TV.

Where to get it? -> e.g. Amazon

How to get Roku-Box used with VPN

If you already have a VPN enabled router, just follow this guide: Router Configuration
Once successfully configured, connect your Roku-box to the VPN-enabled router.
It must be configured and connected to a US-based VPN server.
In some cases you need to set the local time of the router, your roku-box and other involved devices to the timezone of the VPN servers location.
Many services are comparing your devices local time to the timezone of your IPs location.
Connect the Roku-Box to the configured VPN router, that's it!
For getting access to services like Netflix, Hulu, etc. you need to be connected to an US based VPN server.
Et voila! You should now be able to stream your favorite services to your TV, using your Roku-Box!

Check our forums for more info: http://forum.hidemyass.com

If you need further help, contact our support @ info@hidemyass.com

How to connect XBOX to VPN via ICS on Mac

HMA VPN on XBOX via ICS on Mac

Note, this set up is for Lion 10.7.3. For Snow Leopard 10.6 you have
to edit a plist file in terminal.
Heres what you will need:
  1. VPN account
  2. USB to Ethernet adapter, i use the Apple Macbook Air one
  3. Ethernet Cable
You will have to manually enter the VPN connection, here is how:
  1. Open System Preferences / Network
  2. Click the add (+) interface and choose VPN
  3. IMPORTANT: In VPN-Type, select PPTP
  4. Set HidemyAss as the service name
  5. Click Create
  6. This window will now close and you will be taken back to Network Preferences window
  7. Leave the Configuration as default
  8. In the Server Address enter the PPTP IP address of the VPN Server. To get this you will have to login to the HidemyAss website and
    navigate to PPTP Server on the left of the website. 
  1. Whilst one the website note down your username and password above the server list. Bear in mind that your PPTP password is different to any other password (for security reasons).
  2. Click Authentication Setting and enter your PPTP password – NOT YOUR ACCOUNT PASSWORD!
  3. Click OK to take you back to the network window
  4. Click Advanced and tick “Send all traffic over VPN connection
  5. Click Connect and wait for the green light on the connection window.
  6. To ensure the service is running smoothy visit a IP trace website such as www.tracemyip.org

You will now need to share this VPN network with your XBOX. There two ways of doing this, over WiFi or Ethernet.
I prefer Ethernet as its fast for file sharing  (i use my XBOX as a media center also)

Option 1 Ethernet: XBOX will connect directly to you Mac with a Ethernet cable

  1. Ensure the XBOX is switched off
  2. Connect the Ethernet to USB into you Mac.
  3. Then connect an ethernet cable from the adapter directly into the back of your XBOX.
  4. Open System Preferences / Network
  5. USB to Ethernet should be listed in yellow, if not click the add (+) interface and choose USB to Ethernet
  6. Click back or Show all to take you to the main System Preferences window and select Select Internet Sharing
  7. In the pull down menu “Share you connection from” choose HidemyAss
  8. Then tick USB Ethernet adapter
  9. On the left list tick [Internet Sharing] and [Start] in the pop up window, this should now be green and active
  10. Turn you XBOX on and check the System Setting / Network / Ethernet/ Test XBOX Live to ensure you have a connection

Option 2 Wi-fi:  XBOX will connect directly to you Mac using a new Wi-Fi network

To use this you will have to have you Mac connected to the internet with an Ethernet cable
  1. Open System Preferences window and select Select Internet Sharing
  2. In the pull down menu “Share you connection from” choose HidemyAss
  3. Then tick WiFi
  4. Click the Wi-Fi Option button and set a 5 digit password (WEP Key)
  5. On the left list tick [Internet Sharing] and [Start] in the pop up window, this should now be green and active
  6. Turn you XBOX on and check the System Setting / Network / Wi-Fi/ Test XBOX Live to ensure you have a connection

Theres one more connection option which i haven’t tried but would mean your Mac connects to the internet via wifi and the XBOX will connect to the ethernet port but I’ve not tested this so I’m not sure if it will work.

How Setup Playstation 3 to use VPN via ICS

Once you have setup Internet Connection Sharing on your PC/Mac according to our instructions linked below, follow the instructions to setup your Playstation to use the VPN connection.

  Next step is to set the network connection on your PS3 Console.
On your XMB go to “Settings” and select “Network Settings”.  

  1. Choose “Internet connection settings”. 
  1. You will be asked to select a method, select “Custom"
  1. Select connection method “Wired connection
  1. Select the operation mode for network device – select “Auto-Detect” 

  1. IP address settings – select “Manual” 

  Enter the following settings:
IP address:  192.168.x.110 (This IP must not be the same as the IP address for ICS)
Subnet Mask:
Default router: 192.168.X.115 (IP address from your “Local Area Network”)
Primary DNS: 192.168.X.115
Secondary DNS: 192.168.X.115
  1. MTU select “Automatic”
  1. Proxy server select “Do not use”
  1. UPnP select “Enable”

Press the X button on your controller to save your settings.
Test the connection.

Your PS3 should be connected to VPN.